This last volume is a surgical manual describing surgical instruments, supplies and procedures.
The fifth top-level group, electrophones category was added by Sachs in 1940, to describe instruments involving electricity.
The word shears is used to describe similar instruments that are larger in size and for heavier cutting.
He describes musical ideas and instruments as "complex and surprising characters that exist in reality or imagination."
Ōhashi (2008) notes that: "Several astronomers also described water-driven instruments such as the model of fighting sheep."
Additional adjectives describe instruments above the soprano range or below the bass, for example: sopranino saxophone, contrabass clarinet.
The Hawaiian language has no word that translates precisely as music, but a diverse vocabulary exists to describe rhythms, instruments, styles and elements of voice production.
Other dictionaries note that the word is most common in describing aeronautical, scientific or industrial instruments.
Some trombonists even describe instruments whose response they experienced to be "more free-blowing" with the valves engaged.
Other writings attributed to him describe instruments fashioned to dilate the cervix and curette inside of the uterus.