Some socialists have described members of the upper classes as economic parasites.
Sometimes this name was shortened to "Jindy" or "Jindys" to describe members of the group.
Typically the term 'carer' is used to describe members of the informal sector who provide care for a dependent person in the community.
Senator Tom Daschle, the majority leader, incorrectly described members of his staff as "infected."
No "high-value targets" - the term US officials use to describe al-Qaida members - were killed in either attack.
"Old Labour" is sometimes used by commentators to describe the older, more left-wing members of the party, or those with strong Trade Union connections.
Merrick used the word "priests" to describe members of the SSI.
Chapter 1: Introduction to self; Beginning of plot (sometimes describing club and members, too)
Navy diver is a general term to describe members of a country's naval forces who specialize in underwater diving and military diving.