They took on the phrase "Sagebrush Rebellion" to describe their opposition to federal management of these lands.
The Afghans are desperate for international help, but describe their opposition to drug cultivation purely in religious terms.
He described his weakened political opposition here as upper-class servants of the United States whose souls had been bought.
Trident Ploughshares describe their opposition as follows:
He described the party's opposition to abortion as just for show, "just for Pat Robertson."
Still, in describing his opposition to the loophole to a Senate committee last month, Mr. Bernanke did a nice job of summarizing the issue.
He described his opposition to the proposal as "water under the bridge now."
Many black leaders described the decision, and Mayor Hahn's opposition to the chief, as a betrayal.
While the term does describe their opposition to the interim Iraqi government, it still obscures the gradual shifting of this war into civil conflict.
It describe the innate Ponorogo liberty and its opposition on centralist Majapahit rule.