Yesterday he described his ordeal as 'like being in a tumble drier on full speed'.
The few warriors present had listened in polite silence while Felouen described her ordeal.
"Life without violence is possible," Vanessa told a hushed crowd as she described her ordeal under the old system.
Another photographed and named victim who successfully resisted rape described her ordeal.
Edge has been required to describe her ordeal on many occasions since then.
He described his ordeal as: "Islamic terrorism through the abuse of law and of the state apparatus".
In 1985 a radio interview was broadcast in which Cooke described their ordeal and survival.
He described their ordeal as "every parent's worst nightmare and my heart goes out to you both".
An epilogue describing Dillon's own ordeal on a crab boat explains a lot.
As she sat under a tree describing her ordeal, tears ran down her face.