The detailed characteristics of any particular one of these universes - the laws that describe the basic forces and particles - might be decided by chance.
In modern particle physics, the most common approach to describe elementary particles and their interactions is usually through a gauge theory based on a Lie group.
We use items known as wave functions to describe particles.
Emissions is the term used to describe the gases and particles which are put into the air or emitted by various sources.
The term bed load or bedload describes particles in a flowing fluid (usually water) that are transported along the bed.
It is more often accurate because it describes particles and bodies with rest mass.
As a classical field theory it has solutions which travel at the speed of light so that its quantum version should describe massless particles (gluons).
The rules of quantum mechanics are highly successful in describing microscopic objects, atoms and elementary particles.
In physics, the term macron is used to describe microscopic particles, dust sized, accelerated to high speeds.
The Dirac equation can only describe particles of spin-1/2.