Warming to the topic, they will describe tools used most often, favorite tools, most practical, most fun and even dream tools.
System identification is a general term to describe mathematical tools and algorithms that build dynamical models from measured data.
Martin Fowler's article describing both the concept and tools that support it.
Although the term is most commonly used to describe computers and software, it may also be used to describe human behaviors, methods, and tools.
Children can be asked to "be" one of the characters and describe their clothes, tools, work, or lifestyle, doing further research to fill in the details.
He even described odd tools such as a thread counter.
The term Location Intelligence is often used to describe tools and data employed to geographically "map" information.
In the book he lists approximately 1000 recipes of the Renaissance cuisine and describes cooking techniques and tools, giving the first known picture of a fork.
The presentation described available tools for sequence screening and their use by commercial providers of synthetic nucleic acids.
The "Equipment Requirements" describes the machines and tools that are necessary to make the product.