So the state will have to share the costs with Yonkers of continuing the desegregation effort.
So far none of the 38 historically black colleges in those states have been closed as part of desegregation efforts.
He recalled that in 1987 the Yonkers school board first asked the court for additional relief to help move desegregation efforts ahead.
Under the Minnesota plan, desegregation efforts continue and student choice extends only to the public schools.
In 1973 it was closed by the school district as part of desegregation efforts.
But while several polls have shown that people support desegregation efforts nationally, they tend to fight it locally.
The new schools are part of a desegregation effort.
The school was not affected historically by desegregation efforts within Alabama during the 1960s.
The Court has now made it easier for schools to escape oversight of their desegregation efforts.
The waning support for desegregation efforts had an undeniable effect.