Jeeps, four-wheel drives, motorbikes, mountain bikes and movie companies are overrunning this desert ecology.
He tends the lawn, which is far more suitable to a desert ecology than the vast lawns of housing developments, with a watering can.
With a polar desert ecology, Devon Island receives very little precipitation.
The detrital food chain is less important in desert ecology than in the ecology of other regions.
The development of the areole seems to have been an important element in the adaptation of cacti to niches in desert ecology.
For these and similar reasons concerning the desert ecology of water, the geographer and historian of the Sahara E.-F.
For that reason, the middens serve as time capsules of desert ecology.
Learn the back-country regulations and techniques to limit damage to the fragile desert ecology.
In the oldest Vulcan societies, where all life was a struggle for survival against a terrible desert ecology, one had no need to fear the stranger who came suddenly out of nowhere.
Edmund Carroll Jaeger, D.Sc., (January 28, 1887 - August 2, 1983) was an American biologist known for his works on desert ecology.