Fourteen years ago they had been rimmed red by the desert sandstorms and clouded with some kind of bitter cynicism.
Yazid is as hard to penetrate as a desert sandstorm.
Ibn an Nabona was not restored to office and mysteriously disappeared in a desert sandstorm.
The blackness came back at her with the hissing and roaring of a desert sandstorm, whipping her into unconsciousness.
At the beginning of the adventure the characters become lost in a desert sandstorm and stumble upon the entrance to a pyramid.
Symbolic of a desert sandstorm, he thought.
During her research she came across doggles and thought of them as protection from the sun and also from the effects of the desert sandstorms.
She was a desert sandstorm... a whirlpool from the Nile.
Camels are able to shut their nostrils during a desert sandstorm.
The cliff's edges had been filed into sharp and fantastic shapes by the countless desert sandstorms.