The film shoot was scheduled for the summer of 1953 in the Mexican desert state of Chihuahua.
Many teen members are thirsty and set out the search of water, an extremely precious commodity in the desert state.
With battle lines drawn sharply, both sides believe that a struggle of national importance is being fought in this desert state of two million people.
In fact the wet years around 1917-1921 had been an anomaly; the region was reverting to its normal desert state.
But the tax base did not keep up with growth, and now the desert states are struggling to provide services with dwindling coffers.
But Dubai's geographical setting limits development: It's a small desert state with a coastline only 37 miles long.
Despite being a desert state with virtually no rainfall, the country has among the highest per-capita water uses in the world.
But she finds the desert state has plenty to offer visitors.
They're both wealthy religious fundamentalists from oil-producing desert states.
As the gateway to the desert state of Rajasthan, however, it's also a city permanently under siege.