The motives were above reproach since a large sum was raised for deserving charities every year.
"There are many deserving charities," Rudy says, looking significantly at Root.
This is a very deserving charity and the winning group did a lot of work preparing for this presentation.
The large anonymous donations he made to every charity, deserving or otherwise, were always accompanied by blood-curdling threats to anybody revealing his identity.
In spite of Major Doyle's reckless investments of my money, and--and the little we manage to give to deserving charities, I'm getting richer every day.
I commend the Royal National Children's Foundation as a highly-effective charity deserving of support.
At 12.15 I was due at a function to pose for a photocall to launch a twenty-four-hour helpline for a worthy and deserving charity.
I'd rather give to deserving charities.
"I shall send it to a deserving charity."
I will give this money," I say, "to a deserving charity.