They were also innovative in designing a new type of stockade which could withstand a long siege.
They designed a new type of weapon to fulfill the requirements, which was designated the Maschinenpistole 18/I.
By studying this relationship between quantum theory and information, it is possible to design a new type of computer-a quantum computer.
This inspired him to design a new type of railway.
He eventually had to design a new type of boat to navigate the narrow river, filled with obstacles that would sink most rear-paddle boats.
The regulations keep on pushing you toward designing a certain type of building.
Müller designed a new type of clarinet with seven finger holes and thirteen keys.
The reason for this solution is that it would be considerably cheaper than designing and producing an entirely new type of submarine.
The term electrowetting was first introduced in 1981 to describe an effect proposed for designing a new type of display device.
Berliner designed and patented a new type of lightweight internal combustion engine to power the rotors.