If only we would stop writing news, building cities, designing new computers.
In the early 1980s, we were designing computers so complex, our engineering processes couldn't keep up with them.
Zeke wasn't in and the voice at the far end of the line explained, "I'd like to help you, but we design secure computers.
But recent research that has demonstrated its potential power has led to a significant increase in interest among those who design new computers.
It will require a new engineering approach to designing computers, cell phones and networks.
We can design computers using mathematical concepts and rules, because math is a computational system.
The technique and experience developed were then used to design other special-purpose computers.
They may also be used in designing computers and software for more intuitive human use.
Even though I've been designing computers for over 30 years, I still find the information not only timely, but very interesting.
"It is so huge, we have not gotten very far with designing computers that see," she said.