Larger premises soon became necessary, and a design for a new building was commissioned from James Pennethorne.
Over the last two decades, two previous designs for a Whitney expansion were commissioned and abandoned.
This design was commissioned by Edward Medalis but he never built his dream boat.
The design was commissioned during an era when archaeological reports from Egypt were being reported in western publications.
Where a design has been commissioned, the commissioner own the copyright.
When a design was commissioned from Borromini, he adapted to the already existing palazzo.
Many designs were commissioned but never realized, and a boxlike new wing was added in the early 1980's.
The design was commissioned in 1961 as a replacement for the Pbv 301.
The design of the new church was commissioned to Ascanio Vitozzi.
The design was commissioned by the Skaneateles Boat Company, who then first produced it.