Hydro-Quebec's design has overcome this problem, by calling for a four-wheel drive system and by using modern electronics tricks.
"In theory, a brilliant design can overcome social reservations on the part of the community," says Alex Krieger, professor of urban planning and design at Harvard.
Still, Beneteau may be better situated to weather the coming storm, for the company provides a textbook example of how impressive design and modern production methods can overcome many obstacles.
This design overcomes the limitation of solid propellant motors that they cannot be easily stopped and reignited.
Dr. Trichopoulos said that the design of the new study overcame an objection of possible investigator bias that critics have raised about earlier studies.
Personalised design for parts of the core training programme overcomes the two problems of differing regional resources and the variety of entrants' experiences.
Later commercial designs overcame some problems of the US Army concept by using less energetic gas propellants.
According to the authors, its integrative design overcomes some of the weaknesses of other available techniques whilst utilising the strengths of SWOT and PEST analyses.
This design overcomes several limitations of microlens array in terms of chromatic aberrations, loss of boundary pixels, and allows higher spatial resolution photos to be captured.
The design and operation of pipelines must overcome a variety of difficult problems.