It is designing policies to come up with contracts or flexible hours for older workers.
This emotional confusion even explains some of the difficulties we have in designing policies and institutions that deal more adequately with child sexual abuse.
It is the job of policy-makers to design policies that are capable of achieving this.
Fifth, designing policies and delivery system structures that address the needs of children with special needs.
He said he was interested in how to design policies that are good for people.
These are the sorts of trends we need to understand if we are to design effective policies.
The result is a coordinated political apparatus skilled at designing and presenting even unpopular policies so that they don't set off alarm bells.
The developing countries have primary responsibility for their own development by designing and implementing appropriate policies and achieving good governance.
We are not designing different sectoral policies: we are building a continent.
This paper presents the main policy guidelines that cities are recommended to follow when designing and developing public policies for social inclusion.