At LBNL, very rarely, a PCR product was generated and sequenced using custom designed primers.
If Autofinish could not design primers, custom primers were designed manually using consed.
ASPE Assay Oligo Design: Can design primers for 40 individual targets in a multiplex reaction.
When designing primers for polymerase chain reaction, inosine is useful in that it will indiscriminately pair with adenine, thymine, or cytosine.
These workers have designed primers to the organism, and found it present in extraintestinal tissue from unrelated cases of Whipple's disease.
GC content and melting temperature must also be taken into account when designing primers for PCR reactions.
Alignments of conserved regions within a multigene family were made using PILEUP and adjusted manually to design gene-specific primers.
We can design primers that flank things like the D8S1179 sequence.
This two step strategy for designing robust primers can be applied to any set of genomes with a high degree of heterogeneity such as viruses, bacterial genes etc.
There is also no need to add restriction sites when designing primers and thus shorter primers can be used saving time and money.