The imagery is beautiful and strong, if a bit repetitive, and the artist freshens it repeatedly with design quirks and flashes of unusual color.
Inside, visitors today can hear the floor of his library groan and creak like an old clipper deck, a deliberate design quirk.
The Crosspad has a few other design quirks.
This design quirk was no accident.
Find out why and learn about some of the design quirks of this interesting and unique model.
Isplanasky got up from what looked like a purple reclining chair with some strange design quirks.
But it's a consistent performer without any annoying design quirks.
Although the basic structure of the OSCar is the common subtractive synthesis model, it has many unusual features and design quirks.
It is also one of the few Windows Phone 7 handsets that doesn't come with lots of fiddly design quirks.
The exterior and interior featured several notable design quirks.