This is a fundamental reason for designing reactors with discrete solid fuel separated by moderator, rather than employing a more homogeneous mixture of the two materials.
Both ideas have been proposed by scientists who designed reactors and bombs.
During this time he worked as an editor for a research organization designing nuclear reactors for producing electrical power.
In recent years, industry officials say, engineers have made vast improvements in nuclear plants, designing inherently safer reactors.
The division transitioned to non-nuclear energy-related projects such as coal gasification and gradually ceased designing and testing nuclear reactors.
This is useful, not only for troubleshooting existing reactors, but in estimating the yield of a given reaction and designing future reactors.
Other countries have also designed and operated fast reactors.
Today such visions are again exciting the Defense Department, which is said to have secretly spent some $200 million on designing and testing new reactors for nuclear rockets.
Divert the resources earmarked to design and build new reactors to an economy based 100% on renewable energy sources by 2050.
In 1961 B&W designed and supplied reactors for world's first commercial nuclear ship NS Savannah.