"We'd be delighted to help you design valid tests," one battery company representative said.
Yet, because the mutations are unusually specific, designing genetic tests based on them should be quite easy.
Test publishers are now designing such tests.
Math teachers released such standards in 1989, but it takes about two years to design new tests.
Data from the test would be used to make further improvements in the system and to design additional tests, he added.
Nairne et al.'s work stressed the importance of a priori predictions, and designing empirical tests.
We can design tests that are interactive in a way that both helps learning and raises the standards of education.
Other organizations are beginning to design tests and tools for evaluation.
"We'd be delighted to help you design valid tests," a battery company representative once told me.
The contractors will also be responsible for designing tests of the various systems and keeping the entire effort on schedule.