This limitation is the result of a fundamental design trade-off.
Turbofans are highly fuel efficient and can deliver high thrust for long periods of time, but the design trade-off is a large size relative to the power output.
There are complex design trade-offs involving lookup performance, index size, and index update performance.
Based on the different design trade-offs made by the two browsers, it seems unlikely that Chrome will ever offer capabilities that fully match Firefox's add-on system.
There are two design trade-offs, the girder plate angle and the strut angle.
Considering the small profile of the card, it's probably not much surprise that there are some design trade-offs that affect its CUDA/OpenCL scores.
In addition to evaluating the design trade-offs that affect the annual energy usage of the home it is also a ranking system.
This polarization can be mitigated by reducing the reactant utilization fraction or increasing the electrode porosity, but these approaches each have significant design trade-offs.
The different goals in the development of C++ and Java resulted in different principles and design trade-offs between the languages.
This allows combat capabilities of various aircraft or prospective design trade-offs to be predicted and compared.