Some people recalled the flower children of the 60's, while others paired African hairstyles with street-smart designer T-shirts.
They were dressed alike, stylish in designer T-shirts and billowing jeans.
With Bermuda shorts and a designer T-shirt, he looked as if he was headed to the Caribbean for a week.
No-nonsense types can climb into their four-posters wearing classic men's pajamas and warm socks or a designer T-shirt.
Does this have anything to do with Tyra's red designer T-shirts?
"You know about my designer T-shirts?"
Who'd been hit over the head and strangled to death with the cut up pieces of her own designer T-shirt.
And underpants are big and designer T-shirts are also good.
And as part of their new venture, they would also screen-print their own line of designer T-shirts for sale to the public.
Paris wears designer T-shirts with slogans like "Got Blow?"