There are men done up in blazers and designer denim, women in sparkly cleavage-baring tops.
In the fantasy, the business is still run by the "father" and "25 year-old son" as "the world class purveyor of casual, fine leather goods and designer denim."
So what if she drooled on her designer denims?
She was dressed in designer denims, with a bling belt, and carried a classy handbag.
But etymology hardly excuses the grotesqueries of designer denim that have plagued couture and trickled down to the rest of us over the last two decades.
Nearby Villains Vault at 653 Haight St sports higher-end designer denim, like Diesel and Joe's Jeans.
The neighborhood has many independent stores selling everything from designer denim and specialty sneakers to used books and mid-century furniture.
She went to the dresser, tugged out a pair of designer denims and slipped them on.
His curly hair was too bushy and he favored faded designer denim, and the sort of tall elaborately decorated cowboy boots that he was wearing today.
Schwartz, a gambler at bottom, devotes himself to his horse-racing operations, a sideline developed in the first gold-rush days of designer denim and underwear.