Dell has experimented with desktop Linux, but hasn't really committed to the platform in the consumer space.
Although Android is built on top of the Linux kernel, the platform has very little in common with the conventional desktop Linux stack.
For example, making money because of blogging, or RSS, or desktop Linux, or whatever - rather than just with those things.
These devices ran adapted versions of Microsoft Windows or desktop Linux and were capable of running many of the same applications.
Mr. Cohen and others at the organization gave few details, except to say that the lab would try to broaden the base of support for desktop Linux.
Other sources, such as mainstream press The Economist disagree with this assessment that there has not been enough focus on desktop Linux, saying in December 2007:
This service is responsible for making the largest software warehouse for desktop Linux.
One key characteristic that Maemo and Moblin share is that they are both closely aligned with the conventional desktop Linux stack.
Although it has grown a significant community of adherents, desktop Linux generally has not been adopted in the business world.
Like Netflix, Comoyo View will be paid by monthly fee and supported on all major consumer devices except desktop Linux.