He struck; the Frenchman rolled away in a last despairing effort to save himself.
In a last, despairing effort to drive the visions from his head, Lucas silently groped for the mind link.
The Prince made one last despairing effort to persuade his father that he should ride with the chariots.
His approach to Rod had been a last despairing effort.
With a last despairing effort Frodo raised himself on his hands, and struggled on for maybe twenty yards.
I made one last despairing effort to break out of my coffin, then fell back utterly exhausted.
The arms were outstretched, as though the dead man had made a despairing effort to throw himself upon an attacker.
With his back to the wall, the Squire fought wildly, and with a last despairing effort tried to break the other's guard.
But as he spoke he made one last despairing and, for him, disastrous effort, leaping forward with all his energy.
The cloud seemed to make a last despairing effort, thrusting out an inky pseudopod toward the door of the chamber.