Wallace screamed once, a shrill, despairing sound.
Traz gave a despairing sound, but bringing forth his catapult, he aimed and snapped the release.
When Sabrina made a despairing sound of protest, he drew back, exhaling a shuddering breath.
With that, she sighed, a despairing sound, and took another step down.
Those who lingered behind reported hearing the sound of sobbing, heartbroken and despairing.
Bill screamed in the dark - a high, despairing sound that was followed by hideous squishings and slobberings.
No man should ever utter such abject, hopeless, despairing sounds.
Then the linkbox crashed out a loud, despairing sound.
A high, despairing sound, she said, so full of pain it was almost insupportable.
Joscelin made a faint, despairing sound.