Men pitched to the floor, dead, like soldiers cut down in a desperate frontal attack.
The 308th Division began to retreat and the 312th launched one more desperate attack to reverse the decision, but it was too late.
Most of the enemy perished, either in the fire or by desperate attacks on the Roman army.
His last desperate attack had taken every ounce of energy he had left.
A desperate attack was mounted but only two groups of soldiers eventually broke through the Afghan lines.
The Mexican soldiers fought well and the pass was won only after desperate attacks.
According to the veterans' testimony, the last and the most desperate, 12th attack against the hill defenders started.
China, whose population is suffering massive famine, launched a desperate nuclear attack against the West.
His desperate attack and quick flight were proof that something was urgently wrong.
Senior military officers are still bracing for a desperate attack by Iraqi forces left in the capital.