He's knocked clean out of his wits, but it was not so desperate a blow as all that.
His own momentum combined with Eliane's desperate blow.
Instinctively, he put out his hand-and took the desperate blow of the crash onto a third bed.
It is his last, desperate blow, made possible only by the desperation of the people who have suffered under Valerius.
It flipped around and threw itself at Pandaras, who struck out with the skean, a desperate sweeping blow that caught the thing in the neck.
The warning had come just in time; he found himself confronted by a wild-faced man, who struck at Kasimir with a desperate blow.
He bled profusely, and pawed at the cut while trying to connect with some desperate final blows.
Finally Koku, with a desperate blow, succeeded in severing the tail from the beast attacking him, and that battle was over.
The big fellow put all his remaining strength into one last, desperate blow.
Cozro freed a cutlass that a desperate blow had driven into the mast.