As were the gunfights and the desperate dashes to freedom.
Again and again, their desperate dashes for freedom were cut off, until no choice remained but to stand and fight.
Then the blood, turned green by the light filtering of the water column, would flow backwards as the fish made a last desperate dash for safety.
Indeed several people had lost their meals into plastic bags or straight onto the floor in desperate dashes to the bathroom.
Bailey took aim, his left-handed whip keeping time for a desperate dash to the wire.
In one desperate dash he made it the rest of the way down the corridor and turned to the right through the doorway into the next room.
Suddenly he turned, and made a desperate dash for the door of the shrine.
When it fell through, the 3-pointer transformed the Red Storm's certain swagger into a desperate dash to foul and score.
He gives her the money, drives off her horse so she cannot follow him, and makes a desperate dash for the border.
Or else, he would actually be able to pivot in midair and make a desperate dash back to safety.