The battle continued, rendered more terrible by the approach of night, when Rinaldo determined upon a desperate expedient to bring it to a conclusion.
His desperate expedient had succeeded, had brought one of the searching Empire squadrons to this world!
Curt's desperate expedient came with such lightning speed that it seemed an instinctive reaction rather than a deliberate decision.
In an attempt to boost the membership (and therefore increase the income) some "fairly desperate" expedients were tried.
They might yet be reduced to such desperate expedients, if there was no sign of rescue by the end of the week.
Since Washington shows no interest in helping, states will be forced into desperate expedients.
"Only as a last desperate expedient, though; it is painful and might throw me into shock."
He thought about it for a while, then attempted a desperate expedient.
If the fighting spirit of the southrons were not all but extinct, would they resort to such a desperate expedient?
About this time the crafty scholar hit upon a last desperate expedient to regain his footing in the community.