She was suspended on a rack of agonizing pleasure and desperate fear.
The sight chilled me, squeezed my heart so that it was as if I felt the desperate fear myself.
A slow, gentle smile that eased the desperate fear filling her.
The contrasting images of total security and desperate fear brought on by the attack is the key to understanding what happened psychologically.
In my desperate fear and danger, I was like a pain-maddened animal, ready to kill or wound at any moment.
Craig, who was weighed down by a far more desperate fear, sighed.
The same desperate fear he had felt as a slave in the mines of Greece returned.
A desperate fear rose within him-he mustn't let her get away.
The desperate fear ran through him again, terrible in its helpless impotency.
Everything he felt was evident on his face; urgent hope, desperate fear, and the struggle to contain both.