Saidu howled and plunged convulsively, and Amalric, aiding his leap with a desperate heave of his own.
Cat pulled the blankets from the bed and with one desperate heave threw them over the newcomer's head.
He gasped and put all his strength into a last desperate heave.
Meanwhile, with the pressure partly relieved from his throat, Mills gave a desperate heave and, with the others to help him, managed to topple Quintal over.
His senses swam, but with one desperate heave he regained his feet and half-staggered, half-fell towards the bed.
It outlasted Washington State, 21-16, as Leaf could not get off one final, desperate heave.
With a desperate heave, he shoved the beam away, then cradled Bud's head in his arm.
With a last desperate heave, the man from the window was away, breaking for the door.
Saidu howled and plunged convulsively, and Amalric gave a desperate heave.
With a desperate heave of his arms, he lifted the post, point forward.