In spite of his desperate predicament, the face of the sorcerer was full of a malevolent triumph, as he stood before us.
Their quarrel sprang from nothing else than the mental distortion and morbidity of sheer exhaustion, and the strain of a desperate predicament.
Despite his desperate predicament, Buster notices a pretty young woman and wrangles an invitation to dinner, only to discover her father is the Police Chief.
Sigmund was not at all keen on this, but desperate predicaments demanded desperate remedies; so he went.
The Congolese I talked to want to be saved from themselves, or at least from their desperate predicament.
Harry Turtledove a desperate predicament if King Mezentio offers our best hope of aid.
After a joyful reunion (in which she does not reveal her desperate predicament), she is arrested by Dubois.
He was still in a desperate predicament.
He said that the more desperate predicament this season had not made a difference.
In conceiving Marissa, the Ayalas were seeking to escape from a desperate predicament.