It brought about the foundation of the new state named 'People's Republic of Kampuchea' and the reconstruction of the shattered and desperately impoverished country.
To rebuild that desperately impoverished place and thereby gain political legitimacy, he needs the promised aid from outside.
Local MPs fight for seats by guaranteeing the desperately impoverished substantial financial aid for their communities in return for their support.
Its centerpiece is a stunning reproduction of the Five Points neighborhood, the most violent and desperately impoverished district of New York City of the 1860's.
But Washington chose to do what was easy: to undermine a nascent democracy in a desperately impoverished country that lacked even the semblance of an effective police force.
"Jackie Brown," Mr. Mellencamp's favorite, is the biography of a desperately impoverished man who commits suicide.
The demands of these desperately impoverished people include health care, education and control over their land.
The eyes of these desperately impoverished people all looked alike to Phoenicia: forlorn, dull, without hope, almost lifeless.
On May 10, 1632 they were granted safe-conduct and left a desperately impoverished city of Stade after its siege by John Frederick's forces.
There are young mothers with small children, looking desperately impoverished.