As I said, I don't think she intended him to be an entirely despicable character either.
Throughout all his wanderings, Pyat will not pass over any opportunity for self-aggrandisement, despite being a genuinely despicable character.
The man is a despicable character and his resurrections gives rise to general curiosity.
The figure of Rumpelstiltskin is an inspiration for the most despicable character, the Crooked Man.
As a last resort, vigilantes sometimes hunted down and executed the more despicable characters.
It's on ITV - why can't we vote off the most despicable character each week?
Even so, some pretty despicable characters have turned state's evidence and made decent witnesses against their former cohorts.
It is important to realize, though, that Svidrigailov isn't a totally evil, despicable character.
A despicable character who uses any means to accomplish the objective.
Example: Ty Cobb was one of the most despicable characters ever to play baseball, and everyone knew it.