Despite to keep away from political fights and discussions, Osman joins socialist group.
Despite quite lengthy direct discussions and several side meetings with the Chairman, it was not possible to progress the issue.
Despite intense discussions, ministers from the 12 countries could not agree on who should head the so-called Europol or where to locate its headquarters.
The special committee reported that despite discussions with other companies, there was no definitive transaction.
Now the officials are under attack over delaying the test wells near the reactor building until last year, despite discussions about installing them years earlier.
The panel of eight women and four men said they were unable to reach a decision on the two counts despite long discussions.
Despite discussions in Strasbourg on my report, he subsequently offered no amendments.
But money appears to be a problem, despite ongoing but sporadic discussions with agents about movies and books.
He said that despite increasing discussions of the condition in the medical literature, "some physicians still don't believe it exists."
Despite discussions about turning the battle group around, the carrier was allowed to complete her regularly scheduled deployment.