Despite opportunities in Hollywood, she chose to stay close to her family in Philadelphia.
Despite opportunities, careful re-evaluation of the project was not undertaken.
But, despite several opportunities, neither actor has snatched the Hollywood golden ring.
Despite numerous opportunities, she loved her husband too much ever to betray him.
Despite numerous opportunities to strike, Singh awaited a right time when he could make more impact with the killing and attract global attention to his cause.
But the Giants were not able to score a touchdown, despite numerous opportunities.
Afterward, Trey presents the documents that he saved, despite several opportunities where he may have abandoned them.
Most amazing is that virtually none of these were arbitration-forced moves, or situations where the pitchers had struggled despite extended opportunities.
He was retired to stud in 1824 and proved a successful sire of winners, despite limited opportunities.
Despite a national reputation and opportunities, Fields refused to perform outside the region and remains a local legend.