Flat-screen television screens throughout the hospital project an image of the State's despotic leader giving a speech calling for greater conformity.
The prospect of death by hanging is not something that will typically encourage a despotic leader to loosen up.
The Mount Carmel compound in the Texas countryside outside Waco, had a despotic leader.
The most dangerous consequence of outside intervention is if it would give other despotic leaders in the region the cloak of legitimacy against "western imperialists".
Lewis was often denounced as a despotic leader.
It arose at a time when Catholic thinkers who opposed the despotic leaders in South and Central America allied themselves with the communist opposition.
To do otherwise would please the despotic leaders in Iran and Syria, who fear the consequences of a democratic Iraq next door.
Its eighth planet is ruled by the despotic leader, Lrrr, who loudly and frequently announces the name of his home system.
Which despotic leader has survived so long in a war situation?
But defectors abroad have expressed joy at the passing of the reclusive, despotic leader.