During the cold war, these ICBM's were viewed as the most destabilizing weapons.
Besides curbing the spread of nuclear weapons, a comprehensive ban would prevent production of new destabilizing weapons, reduce radiation contaminants in the environment and free billions of dollars for needed domestic programs in the United States.
These are some of the major provisions: - A ban on all long-range land-based missiles with multiple nuclear warheads, long regarded as the most destabilizing weapons.
Diplomats and security experts said North Korea's long-range Taepodong missile was a destabilizing weapon because it is likely to set off an arms race in Northeast Asia, as other countries seek to match North Korea's military capability.
While the report offered little analysis of the strategic implications of these shifts among arms sellers, it made clear that some nations are so eager for their share of a shrinking international arms market that they may be selling destabilizing weapons, including ballistic missiles, to developing nations.
The ban on land-based missiles with multiple warheads, which President Bush's father so actively promoted as a way to eliminate the most destabilizing weapons, has essentially been cast aside.
He cited American efforts in Vienna to reduce the Soviet edge in tanks and artillery and efforts in Geneva to reduce "the most destabilizing weapons, especially vulnerable, silo-based intercontinental ballistic missiles."
Those are the destabilizing weapons that bring terror to the world.
Many new destabilizing weapons systems such as multiple-warhead technologies and the Strategic Defense Initiative ("Star Wars") would have been avoided.