Now he had said them to a man, though one of the gods they worshipped had presumably destroyed Sodom because its men did not always love its women.
He probably saw it as God destroying Sodom.
They tell Lot that God has sent them to destroy Sodom for its wickness.
The following morning, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with a shower of fiery stones from the sky.
It wasn't exactly fire from heaven, the kind that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, not that far from where they now were.
It's really an Abraham-like situation, when God told Abraham he would not destroy Sodom if he could find just 10 good men there.
Michael came to tell Sarah of Isaac's birth, Raphael came to heal Abraham, and Gabriel came to destroy Sodom.
The other two were to save Lot and to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah.
After some further unpleasantness, God destroys Sodom.
The first series of stories involved various missions through time, ending with a nuclear explosion that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.