Because diamond is mechanically and chemically stable, it can be used as an electrode under conditions that would destroy traditional materials.
Due to the dimensions of such small samples, traditional loads and weights are too heavy as they would destroy delicate materials.
Can New York City afford to replace all these needlessly destroyed materials?
With staff trained in appropriate techniques, archives are often available to many public and private library facilities as an alternative to destroying older materials.
We're working with Russia to destroy nuclear weapons and materials.
Incinerators also destroy valuable reusable materials, like paper, glass and aluminum.
In 1971, the Pakistan Army set buildings ablaze, destroyed valuable documents, rare books and other materials.
One of their jobs was to set small fires that were intended to destroy flammable materials in the path of the flames.
I would myself have thought that Anna Freud was emotionally incapable of destroying such precious materials.
Swedish forces had mostly just withdrawn before the advancing Russian often destroying usable materials.