That was why I wanted to destroy the whole boat and its crew, not just beat off the attack.
Leonard charged the gun, and destroyed its crew despite being hit several times by enemy fire.
But it was a graceless pardon, paired with an impossible task, which might yet destroy him, his ship, and his crew.
But if it were not, would you prefer to destroy your crew, rather than have them live happily in the new world of Totality?
My ship has been destroyed, my surviving crew humiliated!
It would be such a shame to destroy your ship and all your crew, Colonel.
Someone who was out to destroy the Venture and her crew or passengers.
That chapter will also discuss the accident in 1986 that destroyed the Challenger and its crew of seven.
They have already destroyed the Actaeon and its crew that refused to abandon ship.
If Commander Tasm wanted to destroy his crew, she could do it with one quantum torpedo.