But Joshua fell upon them and utterly destroyed them, root and branch.
Favoring large-scale aid, according to the oversimplified version, are liberals, pragmatists and internationalists, and on the side opposing aid, at least until authoritarian structures are destroyed, root and branch, are conservatives, supply-siders and America Firsters.
There would be no denying their own letters; before nightfall the heart and soul of the conspiracy begun by the Queen's husband would be destroyed, root and branch.
Moreover, he sent for Komba and his attendants, and again swore to him that if any harm happened to us, he would not rest till he had found a way to destroy the Pongo, root and branch.
While his father, the great Constantine, had been content to confiscate temple treasuries and revenues, allowing the practices to continue, Constantius felt he had a pious obligation to destroy paganism, root and branch.
For the sins of the fathers shall be visited on the children... and thou shall destroy him, root and branch, so that his name shall no more be known among the tribes of Israel.
I want those Triads destroyed, root and branch.
Will it be believed that the first thing he did was to destroy his Established Church, root and branch?
Believing as they do that the fittest must survive, and of course thinking themselves the superior type, it is ordained that Mardonale must be destroyed utterly, root and branch.
Now Stone was dead and the star machine lay here in this abandoned shed, a showpiece bit of evidence for a man so filled with hate that he would destroy paranormal kinetics, root and branch and leaf.