It killed 5,000 to 10,000 people, left 50,000 without homes, and destroyed eighty percent of Managua's commercial buildings.
The civil war had destroyed 60 percent of Spain's railway rolling stock.
Although no fresh research has been done since, "it is largely believed that the Taliban have destroyed 80 percent of those forests," he said.
Over the next three days, the fire destroyed more than 75 percent of the city.
It killed an estimated 1,300 civilians, injured hundreds more and destroyed 90 percent of the town centre.
The blaze lasted five days and, according to the forestry service, destroyed 65 percent of the park.
But by nibbling they're destroying 100 percent of my crop.'
In 1999, Indonesian troops destroyed 80 percent of the infrastructure, killing hundreds more.
The drug destroyed 99 percent of the virus in their bodies.
In September, an early frost destroys thirty percent of their crop.