So, he not only destroyed symbols and traditions, changed religious festivities for regional ones, renamed villages, and prohibited any ritual expression, but he also ruled Prohibition for alcoholic beverages in 1931 .
They were often forced to destroy Polish sign, emblems and symbols of Polish institutions.
"People express unrest and react against violence by destroying symbols."
Targets are strategically chosen to both destroy and create symbols that communicate a desired message and create an effect on the audience.
By carefully selecting targets, terrorists use acts of destruction to both destroy and create cultural symbols that promote fear and compliance among their target audience, and that often communicate specific ideological messages.
If the terrorists who crashed jet airliners into the trade center were trying to kill wealthy taxpayers, not just destroy symbols of American capitalism, they did so, to some extent.
The Russians were driven away on May 6, 1915, and on November 1, 1918, Pilzno became independent, when local civil servants destroyed Austrian symbols.
I would take pleasure in destroying such superstitious and dangerous symbols as will certainly be found in the monastery of St. Frumentius.
One way in which the fundamentalists express their dissatisfaction is by organising anti-Western demonstrations, during which they destroy symbols associated with Christianity and shops run by Christians.
Commissioner, do not destroy cultural symbols in a world such as ours.