The target, a train tunnel on the north-south supply line, was destroyed, with the loss of one man who was buried at sea.
She ran aground and was destroyed on 28 December 1794, with the loss of 50.
The aircraft was destroyed with the loss of all passengers (137) and crew (7).
In June 1968 a fire of unknown origin destroyed a warehouse with the loss of 18,000 line items worth more than $10 million.
The aircraft was destroyed, with the loss of all on board, resulting in the deadliest plane crash in Portugal's history.
Despite that, we managed to destroy their weapons, and most of them with the loss of only six pteridons.
The ship 'Yongala' was completely destroyed, with the loss of all 120 people on board.
On the morning of March 29, 2006, the main building was destroyed by fire, with the loss of approximately 100 animals.
Flight testing was initially successful, but, on 7 December 1955, a control system fault destroyed the first prototype with the loss of all aboard.
In 135 missions, two shuttles were destroyed, both with the loss of crew, a total of 14 astronauts: