First, the operation was pointless because the destruction of the ship did not affect Greenpeace's continued opposition to the tests.
You can show your audience how the destruction of the forest will affect the pygmies and destroy their traditional way of life.
AI said complete destruction affected 164 houses with 374 apartment units, and that other buildings had been partially destroyed.
A habitat corridor could be considered as a possible solution in an area where destruction of a natural area has greatly affected its native species.
The destruction of the landscape affected many other animals.
Therefore, destruction of large herbivorous marsupial habitat will also negatively affect lawn growth.
It was as if they were connected and the destruction of one affected all.
The accompanying destruction of livelihoods, livestock and local market systems affected 13 million people overall.
Its destruction will not affect us here.
The destruction of the souks affected Christian and Muslim merchants alike.