Lee's first novel in more than 20 years follows a young American woman to Rome, and into a destructive affair.
During this time, Karen has continued her destructive affair with Joe Pritchard, who seemed to have no concerns about her illness or her erratic behavior.
She soon becomes embroiled in a destructive affair with the young man, trapping them both in his Paris apartment.
Gwen falls into a short-lived destructive affair with colleague Owen (Burn Gorman), after a particularly traumatic experience with cannibals, which she cannot share with Rhys.
Brown was the hopeful innocent in a destructive affair with John Barrymore's former wife - and then she bounced back to her fun-loving best.
In a bid to get over the gnawing pain created by a destructive extra-marital affair, she takes herself to upstate New York for six months to become a butcher's apprentice.
The focal points of the album, though, are two hard-edged songs about destructive affairs.
Michael thought of his brief, destructive affair with Angie Parks.
Toward the end of their mutually destructive affair (they are smart but not wise), the lovers are reunited in a burst of self-discovery.
He's recently pulled himself out of the destructive affair with the wicked, wily Vicki.