Additionally, destructive forms of forest management are commonly referred to as 'clearcutting'.
The Lock On style is a "non destructive" form of underground art.
"To get the small items, the looters had to break into tombs, and that led to a much more destructive form of looting."
Reverse engineering is an invasive and destructive form of analyzing a smart card.
Black magic is a destructive or evil form of magic.
Verbal aggressiveness is thought to be mainly a destructive form of communication, but it can produce positive outcomes.
In any case, it is a particularly destructive form of vandalism, as saguaros require over a hundred years to reach a substantial height.
Political intervention also occurs in a much brasher, more destructive form.
Why, the film wonders, has this potent, destructive form of speed become such a scourge?
This is not to say that the more destructive forms of populism and outright paranoia can't appear on the left.