Jim may not have done anything yet, but the affair would have had a destructive impact on their family.
Here the mother's destructive impact falls on a grown daughter.
Over time, he noticed the destructive impact of alcohol and drugs on many of his students' lives.
Only then does he learn of the destructive impact that the hippie ethos has had on his own family.
Even as the delegation avoided addressing the issue of militias, their destructive impact was being felt across the country.
Tax revision has had a further destructive impact on local finance.
And more than any film in recent memory, it portrays the destructive impact that a spiritually cold environment can have on the human spirit.
She answers that it may be related to her fears about her society's destructive impact on itself and the environment.
The film had a negative, perhaps even destructive, impact on the career of Perkins.
But that does not mean that its destructive impact on American families can't be mitigated.